Environmental Sustainability, Safety, and Conflict Minerals
We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment.
Environmental Sustainability
GPD Global strives to minimize our environmental footprint and raise environmental consciousness in everything we do. Wherever possible, we define standards for our employees and business partners to achieve continuous improvement in all aspects of our corporate and community responsibilities.

Responsible Corporate Citizen
We believe it is vital to be a responsible Corporate Citizen. We are committed to environmental sustainability through the following approaches:
- Natural Resources conservation such as reducing power usage and more
- Pollution prevention in any form
- Hazardous waste minimization in factories and through equipment usage
- Complying with restrictions on the use of hazardous substances - RoHS II Declaration of Compliance
- Reducing the use of print materials, and encourage double-sided printing
- Utilizing online content and electronic delivery for information distribution
- Conducting eco-friendly operations without compromising quality or service to our customers
Technology and the Environment
Our Design and Development Team endeavors to design high precision and new generation equipment for our customers so they increase productivity with minimal impact on the environment:
- Design equipment with easy cleaning process that reduces the use of solvents in production
- Create more precise equipment to reduce material usage during production
- Design equipment with fewer parts
Eco-Friendly Operations
We recognize the importance of building environmentally friendly operations. We implement waste reduction programs in our work place:
- Reduce and reuse packaging material
- Utilize recyclable and biodegradable material
- Dispose of adhesives, oils, and other chemicals in an environmentally responsible manner
- Recycle used alcohol and acetone
- Use reusable crates
- Recycle bins for collecting paper, plastics, cans, printer cartridges, cardboards and etc.
We comply with CE (Conformité Européene), conformity assessment procedures, the harmonization of national legislation and directives, standards and mutual recognition of the technical standards, tests methods (compliance tests) and test laboratories.
We acknowledge our responsibility to provide a safe and environmentally-compliant work place for our employees. We define the responsibility, authority, and the interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform, and verify work affecting safety/environmental matters. This process identifies the objectives, training requirements, and verification activities.
We adhere to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules. This is an important component of product stewardship, occupational safety and health, and spill-handling procedures.
Conflict Minerals
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission declared publicly-traded companies must disclose the source of conflict minerals necessary to the functionality or production of their products. Conflict minerals include tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold (collectively known as 3TG). The mining of these four minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its bordering countries ("covered countries") directly benefits armed groups that violate human rights, causing this issue to be declared as a humanitarian crisis. For this reason, the use of conflict minerals from the covered countries that are necessary to the functionality or production of products is not permitted.
GPD Global is not subject to the conflict minerals reporting requirements, but we are committed to helping our publicly-traded customers meet these requirements and create a transparent supply chain. We keep our supply chain conflict-free and ensure ongoing compliance for our customers.