Dispense Pump - Syringe Fluid Level

Available for all MAX Series and DS Series dispense platforms is pump syringe fluid level detection, and GPD's programmable controllers

The optional Level Detect option uses a capacitive proximity sensor that generates an electrical field (Figures 1 & 2) to identify the level of material in a material syringe.

fluid level detection when syringe is full
Figure 1: No electrical field connection or signal exists when syringe fluid blocks the sensor.
fluid level detection when syringe fluid level is low
Figure 2: Electrical field connection exists when syringe fluid level descends below the sensor.

Unlike an optical sensor, the Level Detect is not subject to syringe color or label limitations. The sensor position, rotation, and orientation are easy to adjust. The Level Detect is compatible with all GPD Global pumps and syringe sizes from 5 cc to 55 cc.

Shown on pump models: Precision Auger, NCM5000, PCD3H, and PCD4H

Pump Syringe Fluid Level Detect

How the Dispense Pump - Syringe Fluid Level Works

The sensor lamp turns on (Figure 3), setting an "OK to Process" flag when the syringe is full or the fluid level is present above the Level Detect sensor. When the fluid level drops below the Level Detect sensor, the sensor lamp turns off (Figure 4), and a "Fluid Level is Low" system message (Figure 5) prompts the operator to add fluid.

fluid level detect sensor
Figure 3: Sensor On
fluid detection sensor
Figure 4: Sensor Off
fluid level detect low message
Figure 5: Fluid Low message

Syringe Sizes and Part Numbers

Syringe Size

Part Number

5 cc


10 cc


30 cc*


55 cc


*Pump models shown above with 30 cc syringe.

*Level Detect is compatible with any GPD Global dispense pump.

Downloads for Dispense Pump Syringe Fluid Level Detect

Manual - Level Detect User Guide pdf  

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