Multi-Functional Add-On Options
Barcode Reader / UV Curing Wand / Two Part Mixing / Pick and Place / UPS / Process Calibration Weight Scale
Barcode Reader
Barcode Reader is an add-on option mounted on a dispense system. The barcode enables the dispenser to select and run a program automatically. The system continues to run the same program until a new barcode is scanned. The dispense system can analyze 1D, 2D, and 3D barcodes.
UV Curing Wand
UV curing wand is an add-on option to be integrated into a dispensing platform for UV dispensing with spot cure. The versatility of GPD Global Systems allow users to dispense and cure on the fly within the same machine. This is important because some UV materials continue to flow after the dispense process is completed. With the integration of a UV curing wand, the material can be dispensed and cured instantaneously to prevent fluid from flowing, thus achieving reliable encapsulation geometry. Various lenses are available to control the spot size. GPD Global automated dispense systems also use UV resistant windows for operator safety and protection.
Two Part Mixing
The Two Part Mixing system is an add-on option to be integrated into a dispensing platform. The mixing system provides volumetric, two part mixing with a disposable static mixer that requires NO recharge. The mix ratio is primarily controlled by adjusting the speed of the individual pumps. This two part mixer handles a wide range of material viscosities and is compatible with standard syringes; it's also compatible for bulk feed applications.
Pick and Place
The same automated fluid dispensing machine is capable of dispensing fluids and also performing Pick & Place for simple components. Example: Dispensing Thermal Gel and placing Heat Dissipaters. Both the High Precision Dispensing System (MAX Series) and large format DS Series can be used for fluid dispensing and pick and place operations. Parts/substrates can be presented in trays or pallets.
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)
If a power outage occurs, the UPS (uninterrupted power supply) detects a loss of utility power and outputs a signal to the dispense system to initiate a safe power down. The dispense system finishes the program currently running and then powers down. The UPS batteries keep the dispense system under power for approximately 10 to 15 minutes (depending on gantry activity). The UPS unit recharges any time the UPS is plugged into main power.
Following an outage, the UPS restarts automatically when AC input power returns (unless the Restart function has been disabled) and the load is supplied again. The dispense system will not automatically power on and requires an operator to power the system on.
The UPS is typically installed on the dispense system at the factory. For a dispense system already in the field, GPD Global will provide UPS installation guides and procedures to customer.
Process Calibration Weight Scale (Mass Flow Calibration)
Process Calibration Weight Scale (Mass Flow Calibration) is used to confirm the flow rate of a dispense pump. Based on the result from the flow rate test, the system adjusts the dispensing parameter to achieve the desired flow rate. It is advisable to use weight scale at the beginning of a process or beginning of the day to calibrate pump performance, especially after fluid is changed. Some fluids change viscosity over time; in this case, we recommend performing a calibration at intervals suited to a particular fluid and its tendency to change. For general calibration, the system adjusts dot dispenses by increasing the amount of time the pump remains on or open, but for lines or areas fills, the system adjusts the gantry speed.